Let’s Get Spooky: I’m Going to Write About The X-Files Regularly and I Hope You Don’t Mind

Kait O'Brien
3 min readSep 22, 2020

The first time I rewatched The X-Files sequentially as an adult, I was enamored with the AV Club’s episode-by-episode reviews. Here was a team of X-Files nerds and media critiques that wanted to get as deep into the mythology, the subtleties of the Monster-of-the-Week episodes, and the exploration of ’90s as Pluto in Scorpio generation (ok, they never mention this, but I think Spooky Mulder might be a mascot for millennials everywhere) as I do. To that point, I am then exceedingly aware that cultural…



Kait O'Brien

Kait is a writer, artist, and explorer of ideas based out of Albuquerque, NM. She holds a BA in Psychology from City College in New York.